Frequently Asked Questions

Site Context  

  • The site lies to the South of the A518 Stafford Road and West of the B5013 on the South Western Edge of Uttoxeter. It is 1.5km from Uttoxeter town centre.  

  • The site is a single field of grassland currently used for cattle grazing.   

  • The site is projected to deliver up to 80 new homes.  

    Homes let at least 20% below local market rents (affordable rental properties) or let at rates set between market rents and social rents (intermediate rental properties).

    Set through the National Rent Regime in England at around 50% of market rents, Social Rent homes are for people on low incomes.

    You can buy a home through a shared ownership scheme if you cannot afford all of the deposit and mortgage payments for a home that meets your needs.

    You buy a share of the property and pay rent to a landlord on the rest. When you buy a home through shared ownership, you:

    • buy a share between 10% and 75% of the home’s full market value

    • pay rent to the landlord for the share they own

    • usually pay monthly ground rent and service charges, for example towards the maintenance of communal areas for the share they own

  • 100% of homes on site will be affordable, meeting crucial local need.  

Local Considerations  

  • The site benefits from access to a range of local services and amenities in Uttoxeter, includes health, sports and religious centres alongside independent and national shops.  

    The Site is located within 1.5km of Loxley Hall School, Oldfields Hall Middle School and Picknalls First Primary School.  

Highways and Parking  

  • The site is 280m from the nearest bus stop at The Plough Public House and 2km from Uttoxeter railway station.  

  • As there are only a maximum of 80 homes to be delivered on site with access coming from a new branch of the roundabout on the Abbots Bromley Road (B5103), no significant impact on local highways is anticipated.  

Ecology and Drainage 

  • According to the Environment Agency (EA) Flood Map for Planning, the application Site is located within Flood Zone 1, which is land defined as having a low (less than 1 in 1,000) probability of flooding from rivers or sea. The Picknal Brook, a tributary of the River Dove, is the nearest watercourse, located approximately 750m north of the site.  

  • 40% of the total site area [1.18 hectares] will be green space, with an additional 340 trees to be planted on site.  
    We will link and enhance existing footpaths with up to 600m of new footpaths and cycle trails to encourage active travel through the site and beyond. 

    In total, approximately 40% of the total site area will be dedicated to new green infrastructure and open spaces. 

  • The site will retain ecologically valuable habitats and create new ones to achieve a net gain in biodiversity on site.